From Who To Take Photography Advice

In this post, I'll share some tips on how to find the right person to follow, get advice from, and use as inspiration.
From Who To Take Photography Advice

When we pick up a new hobby, we usually look for people who are already into it, a bit further along and more advanced. We do this to learn and get inspired. But if we pick the wrong person to follow, we might end up on the wrong path and have to backtrack later to find the right direction.

In this post, I'll share some tips on how to find the right person to follow, get advice from, and use as inspiration.

3 Types of Photographers

Before we dive into who to follow, let's chat about the different types of photographers you'll find online.

Technical Focus

These folks are all about the technical side of photography. They know exactly what f-stop makes their lens sharpest, they calculate shutter speeds perfectly, and they use every feature their camera offers. Their images are technically perfect—pin-sharp and often a blend of multiple exposures. They also spend hours researching gear and usually have the latest and best equipment. If you need advice on getting the sharpest image, finding the best gear, or blending exposures in Photoshop, these are your go-to people.

Art Focus

This group is more into the creative and artistic side of photography. They focus on storytelling and the philosophical aspects of the craft. They read photo books, study famous photographers, and experiment with different concepts. Gear isn't a big deal to them; many use film or street photography techniques. Their photos are powerful and meaningful, even if they aren't technically perfect. If you want advice on storytelling, sequencing images, or creating emotional impact, these are the people to listen to.

Experience Focus

This is where I fit in. For me, the best part of photography is the experience—being out with a camera and capturing moments. It's about the places I go and the people I meet. It's the early sunrise missions, the rainy days hiding in coffee shops, the road trips, the hikes, and the city breaks. It's about enjoying the journey, not just the destination. I use lightweight, reliable gear and keep my workflow simple so I can focus on enjoying the experience. While I value storytelling and evoking emotions, it's all about having fun with photography.

Who to Take Advice From

If you're a creative photographer, listening to someone talk endlessly about technical specs might not be helpful. Similarly, if you're into technical perfection, a discussion on the emotional impact of self-portraits might not be your thing. Figure out what you value most in photography and seek out photographers who align with your interests. You can still pick up tips from others, but being selective about who you follow will benefit you in the long run.

How I Pick Who to Follow

When I'm looking for someone to follow, I consider two main things independently.

  1. The Person: Do I like their attitude? Do I respect their views and reasoning? Do they have good intentions? It's hard for me to follow someone, no matter how good their work is, if they come across as a jerk.

  1. Their Work: Do their photos, videos, courses, or workshops resonate with me? Do they inspire or educate me? If their work makes me want to grab my camera and try something new or see things from a different perspective, then they’re worth following.

Combining these points, I ask myself if this is someone I can look up to. If the answer is yes, then they're someone I'll follow and take advice from.

To sum up, finding the right people to follow in photography can be tricky and time-consuming, but it's worth it. Choosing the right mentors and sources of inspiration can make a huge difference in your own photography journey. Happy shooting!

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