My most used Fujifilm recipe - Classic "Firenze" Negative

There is one Fujifilm recipe that I use 90% of the time and it's created by myself while on a trip to Firenze, Italy.
My most used Fujifilm recipe - Classic "Firenze" Negative

I wanted to share a Fujifilm recipe I've been using for most of my photos — about 90% of the time. I actually came up with it during a trip to Firenze, Italy.

I've been tweaking my in-camera settings since I got my first Fujifilm camera, the X-T20, back in 2017. But when I upgraded to the X-Pro 3 a few years later, I discovered the Classic Negative film simulation and fell in love with it.

The only problem was, it wasn't warm enough for my taste. So after getting inspiration from Fuji X Weekly, I set out to create my own everyday recipe. It took me about a year to get it just right, but I finally nailed it down while I was on a trip in Firenze.

It's been two years since then, and this recipe is still my go-to for both indoor and outdoor shots. I especially love how versatile it is and the way it renders red colors.

Classic "Firenze" Negative:

Classic Neg.

White Balance: AUTO R:3 B:-4

Dynamic Range: DR100

Highlights: -2

Shadows: +1

Clarity: 0

Grain Effect: Strong/Large

Color Chrome Effect: Strong

Color Chrome Effect Blue: Weak

Color: +3

Sharpness: 0

Noise reduction: -4

Here are few photos (as always .jpg sooc) that I took with it while in farmers market in Estonia: (but from my Instagram you can find most of my photos taken with the same recipe)

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